100 Pts
Rising K - Science and Math
Note: This is a digital program only. Earn your digital badge by trying one of the activities below and telling us about it.
1) Making a pattern with nature items such as rocks or leaves
2) Shape Hunt - go for a walk and name shapes you see all around
3) Measure something with a funny unit. (Ex. How many "spoons" long is a car? How tall are you in snap-together bricks? How many cereal pieces cover an index card? Etc.) Estimate first and see how close you can get.
4) Sorted! - Gather 20 random items and see how many ways you can sort and group them.
5) Sink or Float? - test items around the house after making predictions.
6) Make "ookbleck" - Oobleck is a non-Newtonian fluid...also known as "funny goop!" Make it by mixing roughly equal parts water and cornstarch. It will resist your hand if you strike the surface forcefully and quickly, but allow your hand to sink in easily if you lower your fingers into it slowly.
7) Mini-Museum - What interesting items can you collect around your house or neighborhood? A feather, an unusual seed pod, etc.? When you have a few items, the child and then the adult take turns saying what they observe about each thing. (Is it heavy, rough, etc.?)
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